How One Story Rocked The Horse World

It started with a rumor. It made the rounds quietly, no louder than a whisper.…

Mindfulness: Riding and Training with Intention

In a previous article, I opened the door on meditation for equestrian athletes. Something that…

Taking My Own Advice

People in the horse world love dishing out advice, don’t they? Especially unsolicited, and usually…

Heels Down Happy Hour Podcast 44: Men’s Riding Fashion And Death To The Side Hustle

The struggle is real, apparently, for male riders looking for quality men’s riding clothes. This…

5 Gymnastic Jumping Exercises To Get You Ready For Show Season

The spring show season is nearly here. For some of us, that means finally being…

Do You Want Some Drama With That?

There are generally two kinds of horses: the stoic horses – who will bear the…

When Is It Time to Introduce Your Boyfriend to Your Horse?

You swiped right. You texted a few times. You actually met in person and he’s…

Your Passion Doesn't Have To Become Your Side Hustle

For more than a week straight, I couldn’t unsee an article that quickly gained traction…

Make Your Horse’s Life Stress-Free

Your horse is getting sweaty and his eyes are widening. You can nearly feel his…

Contact Explained

Many people are confused by the concept of contact. The rein is one of three…