Just Because You Have A Mare, Doesn’t Mean You Should Breed It

By Lauren O’Malley There’s a good chance we’ve all experienced this situation at one time…

Ultimate Strength & Conditioning Guide for Horses: Dressage

Despite the many uncontrollable factors out there that limit riding time — severe weather or…

Once More With Falling: The Life of an Adult Beginner

I began riding at a local hunter/jumper barn late in life. I can still recall…

Getting Past Fear & Back In the Saddle

It happened in the blink of an eye. One moment, Kaitey Cosgrove was merely walking…

What Discipline? No Discipline.

I’m having a bit of an identity crisis. All my life, I’ve ridden the hunters…

The Goals That Weren’t

Each January, people start out the year with the best of intentions. We plan and…

Equestrian Fitness: Is Running Really Bad For You?

By Kathlyn Hossack, Certified Athletic Therapist Out of all the fitness rumors and fads, the…

Riding And Living With Multiple Sclerosis: "I'll Adapt"

No horse person ever wants to think about the worst-case scenarios, those horrible things that…

How Do I Know Which Discipline Is Right For My Horse?

When American eventer, Doug Payne, was first introduced to a curious brown mare named Starr…

What It Means To Be An Amateur In This Expensive Sport: Sacrifice

I haven’t ridden on a the A-circuit since I was a junior, and that was…