
How An Electric Toothbrush Can Help You Clip Your Horse, Presented By Wahl

We’ve all been there – somehow the big show is tomorrow and you just haven’t had time to clip your horse. Whether it’s just ears, whiskers and legs, or a full body clip, a well-done clipping job takes some time. A good clip on a horse that hates being clipped takes even more than a few minutes. 

But there is something you can do to help make clipping painless and less time consuming in the future: desensitize your horse. 

“One of the easiest ways to introduce a horse to vibrations and noise is starting with an electric toothbrush,” says Anne-Marie Duarte. Anne-Marie is the long time super-groom to Olympic event rider Selena O’Hanlon.

“Practice turning them on, holding them against the ears or wherever you’d like to clip. Using the toothbrush ensures that you won’t accidentally clip any hair off or nick the skin on accident.”

See Also

And most electric tooth brushes are less expensive than clippers, so if you drop it, no biggie. 

Don’t have an electric tooth brush? You can use any small, hand held, cordless, buzzy item. Use your imagination and start desensitizing. 

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