The dreaded liverpool. A liverpool is a water-type jump where a small (sometimes inflatable, sometimes…
For some, horses are a relief from the stresses of work and school. Others would…
Is it just me, or is galloping across a field like, really fun? Or riding…
Opening eyes refers to the process of learning what you don’t know. It can be…
Transitions are paramount to training any horse, especially dressage horses. Teaching balance, increasing suppleness, and…
Riding a hot horse and riding a lazy horse might as well be two different…
Nine-year-old Kyra Barrett is your typical speed-hungry young eventer. She loves cross-country with a fiery…
You’ve passed that honeymoon phase of a new relationship. It’s a few months in, and…
Eventing, for all its elements, is all about showing a rideable, brave, adjustable horse. For…
Grand Prix Show Jumper Kelli Cruciotti offers her advice on riding tense or anxious horses.…