The Mindful Equestrian: Meditation for Performance

The catch word “mindfulness” has been floating around a lot in recent years, but I…

An Unbeaten Path: From Dressage Rider To Horseback Archery

A suburban barn is not where you would expect to find a modern day shield…

6 Ways To Avoid Track Marks While Clipping, Presented by Wahl

By Becky Shipps There’s no reason why DIY clipping has to look like you did…

Grief is Not a Straight Line

By Elena Perea MD Dr. Perea is a psychiatrist and assistant professor at the Duke…

Steps After Free

“I understand you are a horsewoman. My brother bought a horse a year or so…

Yeah, OK. So I’m a Weird Horse Girl.

So everyone has likely seen the “weird horse girl” memes and articles on the internet.…

Riders Are a Different Breed

Tennis player Andy Murray has announced that he’ll be retiring soon, and I’m gutted. He’s…

What To Expect If You Want To Go To the RRP Thoroughbred Makeover

When Sarah Hepler rode down center line in the Rolex Stadium at the Kentucky Horse…

When You're The "Weird Horse Girl" In The Family

Every time I’m with my family – around the holidays, at a cousin’s wedding, a…

10 Steps To Scoring a 10 On The Halt

Halting is a movement that seems easy, but it is not. It’s found in every…