Equestrian Bloggers Week 2020, Only In The Heels Down Brief

Part of what makes horse sport so great is that the love for the animal…

Heels Down Happy Hour Podcast 66: Pet Peeves & How To Handle Pressure

It’s normal to feel the pressure in competition. But how do you learn to keep…

How To Get The Horse Hair Out Of Your Saddle Pads

Ever take home your stinky, sweat-dried, hairy, used saddle pads to wash, only to be…

Horse love - horse show
True Facts About Equestrians

By Lydia Mindling Equestrians are a funny group of people with one thing in common:…

Show Jumping Warm Up - Horse Wellington Florida
How To Ride Confidently On A Horse With Scope

Watch any video of Show Jumper Brittni Raflowitz cruising around on her gelding, Hilton Van…

Show jumping - horse - braids - equestrian
Be Brave Enough To Ride Out Of Your Comfort Zone

By Lauren O’Malley It’s natural to feel nervous about moving up to a new jump…

Grey horse hunter rider - equestrian
Impulse Control: When It Comes To Horses, I Have None

Before you cast judgment my way, just hear me out. I’ve been low-key in the…

lunging - horse warm up - Devon Horse Show
5 Riding Gimmicks That Actually Work

The best horse trainers often say “less is more” when it comes to equipment. The…

What is NSC? And Why Sugar And Starch Matter In Your Horse’s Diet

Search any equestrian-related Facebook group, and you’re bound to come across a dozen of threads…

Warm up ring hunter riders
Giveaway: Ammies, How Would You Change The Sport?

Update: CONGRATULATIONS to Nicole Krzynowek, winner of the giveaway. There have been plenty of conversations…