Dreams Do Come True: How One Kentucky First-Timer Refused To Fail

Sara Gumbiner rode through the famous chute into Rolex Stadium at the Kentucky Horse Park…

Todd Minikus’ Five Commandments For Show Jumping

Veteran show jumper Todd Minikus has ridden too many horses to count. When asked to…

Riding Exercise from Jessica Phoenix: Five Poles Based on a Circle

Canadian Eventer and two-time Olympian, Jessica Phoenix, shares a five-pole circle exercise she uses to…

Mythbusters: Lower Level Horses Don’t Need to Be Fit

Think of the last time you ran a mile. If you’re anything like me, you’ve…

The Importance of Peace and Quiet In the Barn

Perhaps one of the more peaceful settings in the world is that of a quiet…

Fifty Shades of Gray: How Top Grooms Keep Gray Horses Bright White

Try as we might to will the dapple gray youngster to stay dark forever, there…

Should Horses Be Able To Sue People?

Justice, a Quarter Horse/Appaloosa cross, was rescued from his home in Washington County, Oregon in…

Spicer's Corner: You’ve Got to Love a Derby

In the days of modern show jumping, there is something gloriously traditional about a derby.…

Explained: No Outside Shavings Rule

If you’ve ever stalled a horse at a show, you’ve undoubtedly seen the “no outside…

Why Is Everything So Complicated in Equestrian Sports?

At its origins, horse sport was simple: it required a rider to pilot a horse…