Hot Takes

How to Be Miserable by Always Wanting What I Can't Have

First, you start by paying attention to everyone else. What they’re doing, what they’re saying,…

Redefining Success

I’m willing to bet you define success as tangible. Something you can see, something consistently…

What Did You Come Here To Do?

You’re prepared and dressed properly. Resume in hand, portfolio in the other when you walk…

It's the Rich Kid's Fault… Or The Judge's. Never Your Own.

She won, again. It’s because the judge liked her horse. She can’t really ride, anyway.…

I Believe in the Power of the Little Things, Do You?

I believe. I believe in making the choice to have a good day. When I…

You are Entirely Up to You

So many times people are caught saying they started doing something “they used to love”…

Let's Be Real Friends

People have all kinds of theories about the types of friends you should have. How…

Practice Is for Failing

I used to get butterflies in my stomach before a lesson. I was so excited…

The Kindest List You'll Ever Write

When I was a little girl, I was often bored during the several hour car…

Social Media: Stop Comparing Your Inside To Someone Else's Outside

I look at social media feeds when I’m sitting in a waiting room for an…