Hot Takes

What Discipline? No Discipline.

I’m having a bit of an identity crisis. All my life, I’ve ridden the hunters…

The Goals That Weren’t

Each January, people start out the year with the best of intentions. We plan and…

What It Means To Be An Amateur In This Expensive Sport: Sacrifice

I haven’t ridden on a the A-circuit since I was a junior, and that was…

Warning: I'm Not The Best Horse Trainer

Being a young professional in the equestrian industry is difficult. There are many aspiring professional…

What Comes After Grief

It was just about 7 a.m. and I was still in bed when my phone…

Tik Maynard: “Does The Horse Really Come First?”

Tik Maynard is an advanced-level eventer and firm believer in natural horsemanship. He’s rarely found…

I Know Why The Rail Bird Sings: Surviving The Naysayers and Drama-Makers

By Elena Perea Dr. Perea is a psychiatrist in Asheville, N.C. She teaches and takes…

On Being The Token Western Rider At A Hunter/Jumper Barn

Before moving to a farm in Pennsylvania and keeping my horses in my backyard, I…

Stressed AF, Juggling All The Things

It’s 6:30 p.m. on a Thursday and my butt is still glued to my cubicle…

The Goopified Horse World

Consumer trends come and go. There’s been the low-fat diet crazes, then juice cleanses. Going…