The head groom and barn manager behind professional eventers, Doug and Jessica Payne, joined our…
Frankie Thieriot Stutes’ three-star winning horse, Chatwin, lives in her backyard. It’s mid-day, and Frankie…
We’ve all been there, even Olympians: Those jittery nerves that turn all thoughts into bad…
Duct tape. It’s the tape above all tapes. It’s so handy, even astronauts use it…
What goes up, must come down, or so the saying goes. Equestrians are used to…
There’s not a whole lot in this world that hurts worse than landing in the…
Kim Severson woke up on the morning of cross-country day at the 2004 Olympic Games…
For many people, part of participating in a sport is to improve their health. Being…
On social media, my horse looks like he lives the lifestyle of a steed with…
Riders who compete in college usually do so as members of their school’s intercollegiate equestrian…