Colleen Rutledge: Don’t Lose Sight of the Big Picture

Colleen Rutledge is an international event rider who has completed every four-star event in the…

A Final Resting Place for a Heart Horse

Bridget Mason adjusts the sack sagging on her back for the umpteeth time. The shoe…

Teddy O'Connor Inspired Us to Believe Anything Was Possible

Standing at just under 14.2 hands, it’s no wonder the chestnut pony, Theodore O’Connor, captured…

Preparing for 'NotRolex' as a Crazy Spectator

Preparations for the Land Rover Kentucky Three-Day Event – what I like to call “NotRolex”-…

Heels Down Happy Hour Podcast 46: Could Jon Snow Survive Cross-Country?

Are we beating up our horses? This week, we’re talking to the USEA’s president elect…

15 Ways To Use Plastic Grocery Bags Around The Barn, Presented By Wahl

Maybe you stockpile them under your kitchen sink, hoping to reuse them in some way…

Increased Water Intake Helps Decrease Chance of Impaction Colic

Colic is still the No. 1 killer of horses and increasing water intake is still…

Are We Beating Up Our Horses?

Max Corcoran is the president elect of the United States Eventing Association and has groomed…

The Frightening Fix-It Ways of Horse People

By Wendy Angel Horse people are crafty. Like, not in the Martha Stewart way, but…

Confident Competitor: Prepare Like the Pros

Getting ready for a competition can seem tedious, however, taking the time to prepare in…