Inside the Horse’s Mind: How Horses Recharge

The ways that humans and horses recharge aren’t all that dissimilar, and it mostly has…

How to Introduce a Nervous Horse to Clippers, Presented by Wahl

There are two main sensations that horses have to become comfortable with when they’re being…

When Love Is Not Enough

Most of our younger years are spent finding sports we love, art we enjoy, or…

Beat the Ring Riding Blues, Presented by Wahl

After a long show season, you may be bored with riding in the ring and…

Inside the Horse’s Mind: Why Is My Horse Nervous by Himself?

You’re tacked up and ready to ride at the barn, and begin to lead your…

Braiding the Whispy Forelock, Presented by Wahl

Some horses just can’t seem to grow much of a forelock, no matter what grooming…

When Non Riders….

There are moments of sheer frustration, overwhelming joy, and inconsolable laughter when working with horses.…

Inside the Horse’s Mind: Do Horses See Colors?

You might be convinced that your horse can see every color in the rainbow because…

Get Your Horse’s Shoeing Schedule Back on Track

Does your horse go for varying amounts of time between shoeings or trimmings? That may…

What Causes Hair Loss on the Horse's Face? Presented by Wahl

When horses start to lose hair, it can be indicative of a larger problem like…