Warm-Up Exercises To Encourage Confidence and Relaxation

Striking the right tone in the warm-up is key to producing the ride you’ll have in the arena, whether you’re schooling upper level work at home or about to go into the show ring.
Heels Down Mag selected five different warm-up routines from professionals on how to get the most out of the beginning of your ride, and how to instill confidence, forwardness, and relaxation in the horse. Enjoy.
Warm-Up Exercises For The Lazy Horse
In this video, Zoe Kedron explains the techniques she uses to get her lazy horse more forward. The exercises helps them to relax and get them listening to her leg and aids.
“Checking All Your Bases” In The Warm-Up
Amelia Newcomb talks through her warm-up routine and how she incorporates bend at the walk, trot and canter. She’s thinking about the activity in each gait and adding in flexion and counter-flexion.
Start Long And Low And With Laterals
Elizabeth Allen from Collective Equestrian starts her horse on a long and low on a loose rein to encourage free-moving gaits. From the walk, Elizabeth moves right into the canter, because her Grand Prix horse finds that gait work easier than the trot. “It’s a quicker way for her to let me in,” she says, “to influence her balance.”
Preparing Your Body For The Ride
Callie King from CRK Training reminds riders from all levels that they need to be limber and loose in order to work best for their horse. Callie uses these four simple exercises to focus on her breathing, to soften the back, and relax the muscles.
Structuring A Warm-Up Routine for Over Fences Work
Tom Davidson reminds equestrians that a warm-up is key to preparing your horse for the work ahead. Tom suggests keeping the horse relaxed, but to be checking out the responses to the leg.