Product Review: SmartPak’s Fine Mesh Fly Mask

My Thoroughbred gelding is the Destroyer of All Fly Masks. I’ve tried them all – from cheap to expensive. There is no fly mask out there durable enough to withstand the torture he’ll put it through.
So when SmartPak’s Fine Mesh Fly Mask arrived at my house, I was skeptical. I opened the box and was surprised at just how light it was. This thing doesn’t stand a chance, I thought. But I was down to give it a go anyway.
The horse-sized mask fit my Thoroughbred’s abnormally large and bulky head just fine. I really liked the wide and durable velcro strap which secures the mask in place. It’s wider and thicker than any other strap on a fly mask I’ve used before.
But what I like most about this fly mask is the fine mesh. My horse historically hasn’t been a good sweater. In the hot and humid weather of Florida, I’ve found previous fly masks to be pretty stuffy. Sometimes I’d find sweat under his poll and throat latch after I’d remove a mask, and his face would physically feel hot. But not in this fine mesh mask.
The Fine Mesh Fly Mask is ultra-breathable. It’s light and easy for my horse to wear. I honestly think he forgets he’s wearing it. But it’s still heavy duty enough to keep the bugs out of his face.
The ears and edging of the mask is lined in a thin, but soft material. It also offers up to 20 percent UV protection.
The mask is easy to maintain – it can be cleaned easily by hosing it down. It fits under a halter easily – there’s no bulk.
And for less than $25, you really can’t beat this fly mask on price.
For more information: Visit
Great value
Secure fastening
20% UV protection
Select color options