My Red Breeches Give Me Magical Powers

Editor’s Note: Heels Down Mag asked riders to tell us about the piece of your riding outfit that makes you feel confident and why. Our editorial team selected finalists’ essays, which are being published this month. One winner will receive a pair of ProChaps ATHLETIC full chaps (retail value $274.95 USD).
By Sharon Audet
There they were. On the bed, looking up at me, daring me to put them on. I had a clinic to ride in and a choice to make.
I’m not a great or even particularly good rider and I was new to dressage at the time. My trainer had convinced me to ride in my first clinic with a well-known clinician and in a moment of hubris I said yes. Now it was the morning of the clinic and all the fears, doubts and insecurities that I have about riding were raging as I got ready to go. I have dressage shame. I’m not a very good rider despite a lifetime of success in other sports. When I’m around other riders I often feel less than, embarrassed and insecure. I so badly want to be one of the “cool girls” who ride with grace and style and well…. I’m just not.

So back to the choice. I had purchased a pair of bright red breeches before colors were so popular. I love them. I love the color and I love how they feel. I’m pretty sure they magically make me a better rider. But do I dare wear them to a clinic where they will make me stand out? Where people will be watching and judging? Maybe laughing at me? I took a deep breath and on they went. My horse spooked halfway across the arena when I entered and the loudspeaker blared some feedback. But I stayed on. I forgot all about the observers, focused on the clinician who was unfailingly kind and patient, and had a wonderful ride. I was high as a kite afterwards.
So my red breeches remind me that it’s my journey, my joy and it doesn’t matter how long it takes or what others think or do. I wear them with pride because they remind me that this is my ride in all its beauty and mess.