How To Get The Horse Hair Out Of Your Saddle Pads

Ever take home your stinky, sweat-dried, hairy, used saddle pads to wash, only to be disappointed when they look nearly the same coming out of the washer machine? Not to mention the horse hair explosion left behind inside your machine…
Sigh. We’ve all been there.
It’s peak shedding season folks, as winter wanes into spring. Here are some tips on how to properly de-hair your saddle pads and get them looking sparkling new with just one wash. We hope these tips will also help improve relations with your family over the cleanliness of your in-house washing machine. Good luck!
The Vacuum Is Your Friend
Before stuffing those dirty pads into the washer, vacuum them. Yes, we’re serious. Take the vacuum of your choice (personally I like the hand-held one I bought specifically for ridding the couch of dog hair) and give those pads a couple of roll overs to remove as much hair as possible. Bonus points if the vacuum has a brush extension that will help loosen up the dried, matted fur gunk that sticks like glue to fabric.
If you’re not up for using the vacuum, a brush designed specifically to remove animal hair works well, too. There are some specific horse-branded brushes, like this one from Haas. But there are plenty of dog-themed options on Amazon. Give the saddle pad a stiff brush (preferably outside) before sticking the pad in the washer. These brushes also work well for an after-wash brush, just in case there’s any leftover horse hair stragglers.

Go All Out With A Pressure Clean
Got a pressure washer in the garage? Perfect. Blast your saddle pads with the pressure washer (in the yard or on the driveway) to remove the hair and excess dirt in no time. If you don’t have a pressure washer, a Shop Vac works wonders on sucking away all the hair, too. Then throw those pads in the washer.
Stain Removers
OxiClean is the best stain remover I’ve used personally, on both my show clothes and also on my white show saddle pads. The key is applying the stain remover and letting it sit for long enough before throwing it into the washer. It’s gentle enough to use on multiple kinds of fabrics, including my Ecogold Hunter Pad and sheepskin girth liner.
Ammonia, baking soda, hydrogen peroxide and vinegar are some other great options for stain removal. For more laundry tips – including how to get the blood, sweat and tears out of your show clothes, click here to read more.