The Power Of Turnout: Why I Chose Pasture Boarding

I grew up riding at traditional hunter/jumper show facilities. Not all fancy places, by any…

Fox hunting riding horses - photo Deb Moore
Ever Wanted To Try Fox Hunting? Here’s How.

Tara Tibbetts wasn’t introduced to fox hunting until she was an adult, years after she…

A Leg Up For Sideline Boyfriends

Tiara Equine is getting the parents and boyfriends out of the stands and into the…

Equipment Equestrians Can Borrow From Other Sports

Horses require a lot of stuff. From grooming to nutrition management, to riding and fitness,…

Demystifying the Half-Halt With Jacquie Brooks

The dreaded half-halt – it’s a common aid used in any discipline. But understanding the…

Barn Shopping Etiquette: What To Know Before You Decide

Selecting a boarding barn that fits all of your needs can be difficult to find.…

Aging horse's face.
Embrace the Silliness

The other day I was watching a friend of mine work her green horse while…

How To Change Your Diet & Help Heal The Planet

By Natalie Gavi, Registered Dietitian Nutritionist I’m going to be blunt here – unless you’ve…

Heels Down Happy Hour Podcast 65: Do Better By Grooms & Barn Shopping Etiquette

Is it appropriate to message a new trainer on Facebook? This week, we’re talking about…

Stockpiling Horse Show Ribbons? Consider Recycling Them.

Ribbons. The measly prize we get after all the sweat, blood and tears we invest…