What If Whips Were Banned?

The discussion over the excessive use of whips in the sport of horse racing has…

Equestrian Dating: It’s Not You, I Would Just Rather Be at the Barn

Dating an equestrian is not for the faint of heart. Yes, we are fabulous, independent…

We Can Run This Show, But Should We?

2020 has been the year of ethical and public relations dilemmas. For many events scheduled…

Feeling Burnt Out? It’s OK To Take A Step Back

Feeling too tired to go to the barn? Apathetic about lessons or showing? Feeling like…

7 Times Equestrians Just Cannot Adult

Being a horse person comes with its own set of challenges. Somehow, we’ve got to…

Work/Life/Horse Balance: The Struggle Is Real

It was about a year into owning and training my big, green off-track Thoroughbred gelding…

How To Cope When Everything Sucks

As equestrians, the barn is often the place where we find our solace. It’s where…

Exercises To Sharpen Your Transition Game

Walk. Trot. Canter. Walk to canter. Canter to halt. No matter what discipline you ride,…

Product Review: SmartMesh Ultimate Fly Sheet Is Perfect For Summer

To fly sheet or not to fly sheet? This is my constant dilemma during summer…

Let’s Talk About Why Are Horse Shows So Expensive

It’s no secret that owning a horse is expensive. Add in some competition goals, and…