My Horse Has Never Colicked But Still Gets Digestive Supplements

The old adage “don’t fix what isn’t broken”  is usually good advice. But there’s another…

Heels Down Happy Hour Podcast 73: When Non-Horse People Weigh In

We get it, horse people can confuse the heck out of non-horse people. This week,…

Bored By Flatwork? Get Over It.

Watching Lainey Ashker rider her horses on the flat looks effortless. It’s clear by watching…

My ROOTD Helps Me Realize My Goals

Editor’s Note: Heels Down Mag asked riders to tell us about the piece of your riding…

With Age Comes Wisdom, Aches And Pains

Growing up horse crazy instilled a sense of bravery I’m not sure I would have…

Why I Left My Trainer

Finding the right trainer for you and your horse isn’t always easy. Personalities don’t always…

6 Times Non-Horse People Were Really Confused By Horse People

Being an equestrian and a horseman is a lifestyle. It’s more than a sport or…

Training Tips To Build Confidence In Young Horses

Got a greenie? A wiggly worm with the brain of kindergartener in horse form? Bless…

A Good Pair Of Jeans Go A Long Way

Editor’s Note: Heels Down Mag asked riders to tell us about the piece of your riding…

Sloth: As Defined by Equestrians

sloth a : disinclination to action or labor : indolenceb : spiritual apathy and inactivity…