Top 7 Spooky Scaries For Equestrians

It’s spooky season. Whether or not slasher films make you jump in your seat this time of year, there are definitely some scary stuff out there that will make any horse person quiver in fright.
Heels Down cobbled together the most spooky things that will scare an equestrian every time. Read on if you dare.
Pulling a shoe the morning of the show.
The trailer is hooked up and you’re pulling your horse out of the dark pasture before dawn only to find out he pulled a shoe… Extra scary points for considering calling the farrier before 5 a.m. to come tack it back on.
Colic scare while you’re out of town.
This is the worst. Your non-horsey significant other finally talks you into taking a vacation that has nothing to do with horses or horse shows and you get the call we all dread – somebody is sick back at home. But this is why we have credit cards on file at the vet’s office.
Opening mail from the vet’s office.
Speaking of the vet’s office… Any time a letter lands in your mailbox postmarked from the vet’s office, it fills you with dread. It’s time to pay up for all those lameness evaluations the month before…. gulp.
Moving up.
Your trainer says you’re ready to move up but you’re not quite sure. Nevertheless, here you are… walking the course of a beefier, taller division. I hope you brought your big girl panties!
Taking the extra-extra long spot.
You’re five fences in on the cross-country course and your horse has had enough of you chipping in to these massive fences. He takes the reins and advises you to hold on… he’s somehow left out two strides – maybe three – to that big fat table at fence No. 6. Yeehaw!
Backing up the trailer to an audience.
Remember that pulled shoe? Well, it made you late to the horse show. By the time you arrive, there’s barely any place left to park. Now your backing up skills are on full display in front of EVERYONE at the show as you try to squeeze into the last spot. No pressure!
Wrong underwear.
You made it the horse show but forgot your nude color underwear… I guess the red ones will just have to do… even if they shine brightly through your show whites in the dressage ring. Who knows, maybe it’s the distraction the dressage judge needed after all.