The Working Student’s Survival Kit

By Rebecca Barber
As a working student, rider, or groom you must adjust to crazy hours and the potential for 24-hour workdays (yes, I have actually done that!). You will learn to live what we often refer to as the “gypsy life” and become skilled at packing your bag at a moment’s notice. Over time, you de-clutter your life and hone your Tetris skills to the point to which you are able to fit your entire life into your car or truck. Are you preparing to start your first working student gig? If so, here are a few essentials that I can’t imagine living without.
A reliable water resistant watch
There is never an excuse to be late. Your rider is depending on you to make his or her life easier. They have enough to worry about and do not need the extra stress of wondering whether you will be on time. If in doubt, be early.
Comfortable shoes
Regardless of whom you work for, you will do an excessive amount of walking. Comfortable shoes are a must. What shoes you wear on a daily basis depends on personal preference. I have seen everything from boat shoes to sneakers to paddock boots. Just make sure that you take the time to break them in before starting the job. Trust me, it isn’t fun to be learning an unfamiliar program while at the same time having your feet rubbed raw by new shoes.
A pocketknife
It seems that, regardless of the barn, scissors, like hoof picks and other small essential items, always manage to disappear. Having your own knife is an easy way to remedy this issue. Plus, having a knife on you can make you a hero the next time a coworker is rummaging around unsuccessfully looking for a pair of scissors.
A sense of humor and the ability to laugh at yourself
There will be days that you feel as useless as a monkey on stilts. That’s OK, as a working student you are there to learn. If you aren’t 100 percent certain how to do something, ask. It is always better to admit that you don’t know something than to make an otherwise preventable mistake.
A strong work ethic
Probably the most important item on this list… Being a working student is an incredible experience. However, you must be willing to give 110 percent on a daily basis. It isn’t enough to simply show up for work. If you are willing to go above and beyond, your boss will notice and he or she will greatly appreciate it.
I hope that you found this list to be helpful! Best of luck to you in all of your future endeavors.