Sloth: As Defined by Equestrians

sloth a : disinclination to action or labor : indolence
b : spiritual apathy and inactivity From the Merriam-Webster dictionary
Of all the things you could call equestrians—people who willingly wake up before dawn to shovel the excrement of their beloved equine partners, no matter what the weather—“slothful” is definitely not one of them. Disturbed? Yes. Smelly? Yes. But slothful, not so much.
That being said, the equestrian definition of sloth is a little different than your average person’s definition…
Equestrian sloth: Not cleaning your tack after every ride.
Normal person sloth: Not cleaning your car ever.
Equestrian sloth: Not wearing a polo shirt and belt to a lesson.
Normal person sloth: Going out of the house in pajamas.
Equestrian sloth: Sleeping in till 7:00 a.m.
Normal person sloth: Sleeping in past noon.
Equestrian sloth: Not folding your horse blankets the right way.
Normal person sloth: Never making your bed.
Equestrian sloth: Crinkling the peppermint wrapper you keep in your pocket instead of trudging out in the mud to catch a horse.
Normal person sloth: Eating a bag of peppermints.
Equestrian sloth: Going to the barn after work or school, riding one horse, longeing another, then making dinner and watching Netflix.
Normal person sloth: Getting home from work or school, then ordering pizza and watching Netflix for hours.
Equestrian sloth: Not pulling your horse’s mane, trimming feathers, etc.
Normal person sloth: Not brushing your own hair.