Product Review: Purina Omega Match Ahiflower Oil

There are a lot of supplements out there to choose from, when looking to add something healthy to your horse’s diet.
Oils, for example, are a common and popular choice for a variety of reasons, from adding extra calories, to being able to supply a specific kind of nutritional need. For horse owners looking to add a little extra shine to their coat ahead of show season or to help give your horse a good immune boost, consider Purina® Omega Match® Ahiflower® Oil.
I fed this product to Kitty, an 13-year-old off-track Thoroughbred mare who is in light-to-moderate work as a dressage and hunter/jumper mount with an amateur owner. We began feeding her this oil in early spring and have watched Kitty’s coat blossom from it.

Ahiflower® oil is a revolutionary omega fatty acid source. It is not derived from fish and contains more omega-3s than other plant-based oils like flax or camelina. Horses still get similar benefits from the unique fatty acids associated with fish oil, but the feeding rate is lower and it has better palatability.
Ahiflower® oil is also rich in omega-6 gamma-linolenic acid, which is not present in flaxseed, chia or camelina seed oils. It also has omega-9 oleic acid.
The fully traceable and filtered Ahiflower® oil comes from a single plant – Buglossoides arvensis.

But what truly sets the Purina® Omega Match® Ahiflower® Oil apart from other products on the market is its rich in stearidonic acid, which is easily and efficiently converted to eicosapentaenioc acid (EPA), an omega-3 fatty acid typically
only found in fish oil. Research shows that EPA is well absorbed into the blood and muscles in horses consuming Ahiflower® oil.

Ahiflower® oil is also a good option for horses who may be managing metabolic or immune issues. The source of omegas is also great for horses who are prone to allergies and could use the support for their skin and coat.
Typically, horses who are on pasture, like Kitty, meet their nutritional needs for omegas. Kitty is a healthy mare with a solid body condition score of 5. But the oil has helped her coat truly shine. We easily feed 2 ounces a day over two meals with her grain. She licks her bowl clean every time.