Mare stereotypes are bull****

The funny thing about mares is that often times when we slow down and take the time to have the right conversations with them, they reward us by using the same energy that they once wielded against us to elevate our ride tenfold.
So if your ego can’t handle a mare giving you strong negative feedback, then you need to check yourself before you climb back into her saddle. Part of our job as riders is to shape the way our mount communicates with us so it is both effective and safe. Consider this the next time a mare or horse of any sex presents behavior that challenges you. Gelding, mare, whatever – shaping reactions and behavior is just par for the course when it comes to riding a living, breathing animal.
Horses are alive, they are allowed to express emotion and let us know when something isn’t right or confusing. And our response shouldn’t be “She’s just a difficult/bossy/*insert negative word* mare”. We should not be dismissive of reactions or communication we receive from the animal that we deem “extra, over the top, or dramatic”. To that horse, that problem and emotion is real and it’s our job to mitigate it. Personally, I would much rather have a horse that wants to have a conversation with me, regardless of how easy of difficult the conversation is, versus internalize confusion, fear, or worse – pain.
Mares vs. Geldings:
Why do gelding people typically say they like geldings? Because of their easy going personalities. Not every gelding has the personality of a Golden Retriever, but on the whole many people have found them to be more agreeable. Arguably that’s what most people want – an easy horse who just does what we say, when we say, with not too much outward resistance. I’m not calling geldings unintelligent, I just think often times they opt to keep their opinions to themselves. Mares, on the other hand, tend to be more transparent with their feelings and emotions. And what is wrong with that?
I hate mare vs. gelding memes. To me, it seems like a gross reduction of two very different personality types. Horses are individuals and have to be handled and trained as such. And while I can agree that *many* geldings may be easy to handle, I resent the stereotype that mares are inherently difficult simply because they are female.
This hot take first appeared in the Heels Down Spark in February 2021. Sign up now to get more conversation starters delivered to your inbox every weekday morning.