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I Believe in the Power of the Little Things, Do You?

I Believe in the Power of the Little Things, Do You?

I believe.

I believe in making the choice to have a good day. When I wake up and put my feet on the floor, I make the choice to filter my day through a positive lens. I think choosing to have a good day, choosing to be happy, it really changes things. Tomorrow becomes exciting. I believe in the power of making that choice.

I think sometimes it’s hard to choose to be happy. There are things that will get in your way, try and coax you to think differently. But each morning, the sun rises. The day inches along, whether you’re actively participating in it or not. We might as well fill ourselves with excitement that tomorrow is another day, another chance.

I believe in deep, feel it in your belly kind of laughter. Whether it’s at a joke, at a TV show, or with someone else, laughter is like taking a vitamin. It gives you another shot to choose to be happy, because it feels good.

The art of laughing with yourself is difficult at first. Most importantly, change how you think about laughing with yourself. Instead of laughing at yourself, find tendrils of humor in your life. I love to laugh with myself; not at myself. I’ve come to terms with my goofiness, especially because it provides humor for others. Let’s laugh together, with ourselves and not at ourselves. It helps, I promise.

I believe in the power of the little things. Hand written notes, birthday cards, sunsets, and when a loved one says they hope you have a good day. When it rains and we can curl up on the couch, safe from the weather and warm in someone else’s company. The little things add up. We learned in elementary school that one plus one is two, which is to say the little things add up. They multiply when they’re gathered like fresh cut flowers, and treated as delicately.

The little things are so important. You might not recognize it, but our lives are built on the little things. If and when you spend time gathering the little things, you’ll realize it’s so much easier to choose to be happy. You have so many ingredients to the recipe of happiness, already.

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I believe love breeds love. You can never love too much, too big, or too wildly. The more you love, the more it will come back to you. I believe the warmth of an intimate smile, of the way eyes light up when you look in to the right ones. I believe there is a great love story for everyone.

It’s so easy to get in our own way. We put up road blocks because of our past, and we turn away steady and gentle hands for calloused harsh ones. We let ourselves get in the way of the love we could be giving, and the love we could be receiving. It isn’t always about love from partners. Sometimes it’s loving ourselves. Sometimes it’s giving to others so they have something to give, too. We can trade our actions and tokens of love to make someone else begin to choose happiness every day.

I believe in optimism, even when I can find nothing positive to say or even think. The sun will rise again tomorrow, and I have every chance to find happiness all over again.

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