How to Scissor A Horse’s Mane

After we published a hot take about mane pulling in the Heels Down Brief, we had lots of readers asking about the best tips on how to use scissors to trim a mane. Here are three of our favorite tutorials showing how to successfully scissor you horse’s mane without giving him a bowl cut.
Tools of the trade
If your horse’s man isn’t super thick (or you want to keep it thick), you just need scissors an a comb.
Consider using thinning shears.
If your horse has a super thick mane, you might want to thin it with thinning shears before cutting with scissors.
Don’t scissor the forelock!
Also, if you have a horse with a very thick mane, you can use the mane rake on both sides. (Spoiler alert: If you love barn cats, you’re going to love this video.)
The Do’s and Don’ts of Scissoring a Mane
Use scissors that are sharp (not the same scissors that are also used to cut grain bags, baling twine, and duct tape)
Be patient
Use small cuts at a 45 degree angle
Cut a bridle path
Comb your horse’s mane frequently in between cuts
Use thinning shears or a mane rake to help thin very thick manes
Scissor the forelock
Cut straight across
Cut too short
Worry – practice makes perfect and manes grow back!