Horse Girl White Elephant Gifts, Ranked

It’s the holiday season which means time for Christmas parties, stress around being with family and feeling extra broke after gift giving. Yay.
If you’re a horse girl, the holiday party you’re most looking forward to is definitely NOT the corporate one with your boss and co-workers. It’s your barn family holiday get together, duh.
What beats a chance to unwind with the folks who are just as passionate about horses as you are at the end of the year? There’s no other group who we feel comfortable around than our fellow horse gals. They just get it, right?
A White Elephant gift exchange has become a staple at the barn holiday party. If you haven’t heard of this before, the gist is everyone buys a gift at a certain price point (under $50, for example). Everyone then selects a gift from the common pool, and others can either try to steal it or keep what they picked (without knowing what’s in the wrapping). Everyone has their own twists on the game, but you get the idea.
Over the years, certain gift giving trends emerge when shopping for an equestrian-themed exchange. We’ve decided to rank them, worst to best. Enjoy!
10. Horse Treats
The safe but maybe a little lazy choice. Usually bought by the frazzled adult amateur at the barn who always has three kids in tow and a cell phone that won’t stop ringing with work calls. Hey, we’re just glad she made it to the party at all!
9. Boot Socks
A staple that we all can’t have enough of, but still, a safe choice. Maybe this gift giver splurged on a fun or funny theme, like pizza socks. Or cat meme socks. Or “gansta” socks – all excellent choices.
8. A Bucket and Sponge
I’m not sure anyone is elated when they unwrap a cute present to find… a plastic bucket inside. But let’s be real, it’s a practical gift. And perfect for the barn bestie who is always borrowing yours anyway.
7. Tack Store Gift Card
Lacking in creativity, but still quite thoughtful. YOU get to pick what you want from the tack store, score!
6. Restaurant Gift Card
Maybe it’s to the excellent hole-in-the-wall Mexican place y’all gather at every Friday night after schooling and settling in at the horse show. (YAS, tacos & margs!) This is one I’d “steal” for in the White Elephant game.
5. Tack Cleaner & Conditioner
Always useful. Always needed. And there are so many brands and scents to try these days. Nice!
4. Horsey-Themed Home Decor
Equestrian-themed anything has come a long way since your aunt used to buy you gaudy pony T-shirts as a kid. Maybe it’s a tasteful fox hunt-themed party tray or cutting board. Have you seen those adorable bit-themed candle and napkin ring holders? I want.
3. Bonnet & Polos Matching Set
The person who bough this gift most definitely didn’t play by the rules. This is almost always the most expensive gift in the lot, beyond the selected cash limit. As such, it’s the most popular one to “steal” among your barn friends. Everybody loves a new matchy-matchy set.
2. Wine & Advil
The holy grail. It’s not even really a gift. It’s just the essentials.
1. One Complimentary Lesson With Your Trainer
What a great idea for literally anyone at the party. Why didn’t I think of this already?