Cavaletti Exercises To Keep Rhythm Top Of Mind

Maintaining a nice, regular rhythm in the horse requires some serious core strength and fitness.
One way to improve core strength to aid keeping a smooth rhythm is to use cavaletti exercises at the trot and canter. Heels Down Mag compiled some ground pole exercises riders can incorporate in their routine no matter their discipline or arena size, to get started.
Have a look.
To Improve The Quality Of The Canter
In this video, Kristin Kelly explains a pole exercise to help improve the canter. She reminds that the rider shouldn’t go overboard with these exercises – to begin, they should only be done a handful of times during one ride to begin to build fitness.
Two Poles For Adjustability
British Eventer Piggy French explains how she uses two poles to help work on rhythm. Piggy says she did not walk out distances, she placed them randomly. She can vary the tempo and pace of the canter in between to ride them at different distances. “What I’m aiming for is whatever canter I have at the start of the fence is the canter I want to keep throughout the whole exercise.”
3 Exercises For Smoothness
Eventers Domm and Jimmie Schram use cavaletti exercises to help horses balance through the poles, change leads, and to maintain a smooth rhythm.
Polework for Suppleness
Veterinary physiotherapist Sammy Finnemore shares some pole exercises that will increase suppleness and core strength, which will in turn aid in maintaining rhythm.