Spoiler alert

Educational articles.

AMA: Does Tack Truly Impact How A Horse Moves?

Does our equipment truly impact the way a horse moves? I understand proper saddle fit…

AMA: I Struggle To Memorize My Course

I have a really hard time memorizing courses. Especially when it comes to the day…

AMA: How Do I Feed For Healthy Feet?

We’ve learned more recently that diet plays a major role in hoof health in horses.…

AMA: My Horse Gets Tense In The Warm-Up At Shows. How Do I Help Him?

I have a young horse who does best with a quick warm-up routine before my…

Product Review: Kevin Bacon’s Horse Care

There’s a revolutionary new brand of hoof care on the shelves in U.S. and Canada…

Celebrate The Love Of Author Marguerite Henry On Buy A Horse Book Day

Author Marguerite Henry’s rich tales of horses and the humans who loved them inspired generations…

Product Review: No Bored Horses

Do you ever wonder what your horse’s day is like when you’re not there? Breakfast.…

Tips To Combat Barn Stink

It’s a pungent smell, that’s for sure – the musk that follows you home from…

What Is The Role Of The Hands In Sitting The Trot?

Ever had a riding theory question you couldn’t find the answer to? Or don’t have…

Should Sitting Trot Feel ‘Floppy’?

Ever had a riding theory question you couldn’t find the answer to? Or don’t have…