Headed To DK3DE For The First Time? Don’t Miss This Horse Girl Lexington Guide

Headed to the Kentucky Horse Park for the first time? Lucky you! You’re about to…

Heels Down Happy Hour Podcast Episode 123: Kentucky Or Bust!

We’re so close to the Best Weekend All Year and just can’t wait! This week,…

Share Your Love Of Author Marguerite Henry For Buy A Horse Book Day

Author Marguerite Henry’s rich tales of horses and the humans who loved them inspired generations…

AMA: How Do I Keep My Horse From Getting Bored With Arena Work?

I have a spooky young horse who is happiest and most confident working in an…

How Important Is Core Strength When Riding?

Ever had a riding theory question you couldn’t find the answer to? Or don’t have…

AMA: How Important Is ‘Bit Fitting’ Really?

How important is ‘bit fitting’ really? What are some of the most basic things I…

How To Prepare For Success In Sitting The Trot

Ever had a riding theory question you couldn’t find the answer to? Or don’t have…

AMA: Is It Ever ‘Too Late’ To Clip My Horse?

Is it ever ‘too late’ into the season to clip my horse? “Timing when to…

Which Comes First: Relaxation Or Acceptance Of The Aids?

Ever had a riding theory question you couldn’t find the answer to? Or don’t have…

AMA: Is Longeing Harmful To My Horse?

I sometimes hear that excessive longeing is harmful to the joints and soft tissue. Is…