How Two Horse Girls Created A Business Out Of Recycling Feed Bags

Like all horse girls, 15-year-old Katelynn Conner was scheming of ways to buy more tack…

Cribbing: Is It A Deal Breaker Or No Big Deal?

Cribbing. It’s one of the most heated topics I see discussed among off-the-track Thoroughbred owners…

To The Non-Equestrians: This Is Why Horses Are A Sport

Every four years like clockwork, I read the same gripes from mainstream sports reporters and…

Heels Down Happy Hour Podcast 75: Clean Up Your Manure

We could all use a kick in the butt every now and again, when it…

What Does Engaging The Hind End Actually Feel Like?

A horse’s hind end is where the power comes from. So when trainers ask you…

Your Horse Isn’t ‘Broke’. He’s Trained.

Over the weekend, I was excited to watch and learn from three top-level dressage professionals…

Layering Tips from a New England Rider

There’s a saying about the weather in New England: “If you don’t like the weather,…

This Year Sucks, But My Riding Has Never Been Better

After the holidays and the kick off of a new year, my trainer put up…

Having Your Own Barn Is Great, But I Miss My Friends

As a horse person who grew up in a show barn and rode on two…

Post Horse Show Rest & Recovery Techniques For Riders

This is how I know I’m getting old: It’s the Monday after a horse show…