Product Review: Fenwick Equestrian Liquid Titanium Face Mask

By Laura Reiman I have been riding with a Fenwick Equestrian liquid titanium face mask…

2022: A Year In Review

This year flew by, didn’t it? There were many exciting highs and more than a…

R.I.P. To French Links

Growing up as a barn rat, I was very familiar with the ins and outs…

Some Thoughts On The Virginia Tech Helmet Study

The results are in and they are… quite surprising. The Virginia Tech Helmet Lab released the…

PSA: Be Bold, Pros. Don’t Be Boring

I spent an autumn weekend at the impressive and evolving TerraNova Equestrian Center in Myakka…

No Kids Allowed

By Cathy Sobke I recently relocated to a barn with a rule that has me…

Oh What Fun It Is To Ride!

By Jessica Shannon The Christmas spirit can be felt deeply at our barns. We bundle…

Be Your Own Ted Lasso

Rebecca: Do you believe in ghosts, Ted? Ted: I do. But more importantly, I believe…

The Lack Of Science In My Supplements

By Laura Reiman A few years ago, I paid an obscene amount of money for…

Winter Riding: 5 Exercises To Stay Motivated

Indoor season is here. Oi. When the temps drop and the horses are fresh, it…