A Tribute To My First Grumpy Pony

Roy was a 14-hand chestnut gelding with a big, bulky head and a barrel as round as they come. He had this gift of being able to make his ears disappear in a bed of firey red mane at a moment’s notice, which was the inspiration for his show name: “Aerodynamic”. He was also pretty quick with his lips and teeth when he wanted to land at nip at your arm or hip if you were cinching up the girth.
But despite his quirks, and his creaky, aging body, there was no better first pony I could have ever asked for.
Roy was as grumpy as they come. The welsh-cross pony was prone to buck when he was tired of my childhood antics. I’d slip off from his round belly a few times during our stint together. He’d stare down his nose with the big blaze at me in the dirt and snort. But I’d get up anyway, grab the reins, and give it a go once more.
My parents leased Roy at the farm I grew up riding at for several months. Unbeknownst to me, our lease ended long before Christmas when my parents purchased him for me, but they kept this a secret. Come Christmas morning that year, I unwrapped a shiny new brass nameplate with Roy’s show name scribbled on it, and “Owner: Justine Griffin” underneath. It was a feeling of elation I’ll never forget.
Roy the curmudgeon would teach me a lot over the years. Perhaps most importantly, how to develop my seat. And I think over time, I wormed my way into his cold heart too, though I doubt he’d ever admit it publicly. Together we’d win blue ribbons in the short stirrup and pony divisions. We’re get to cross-country school for the first time ever together.
Eventually my legs would grow so long that I could wrap them fully underneath his belly. I needed a taller mount if I wanted to keep showing and progressing.
Roy went on to a wonderful home, where he lived out his old age without being bothered too much. It was all he we could ask for him, anyway.
I owe a lot to Roy. He taught me to be tough, and to never give up. He challenged me, and forced me to be better. When he rewarded my hard-earned efforts with a good jumping round, there was no better feeling. But most of all, Roy allowed a young girl with an exploding passion for horses to love him fiercely. And from that moment on, he etched a forever place in my heart.