"en-US"> The Cutest Ways To Incorporate Horses Into Your Wedding - Heels Down Mag
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The Cutest Ways To Incorporate Horses Into Your Wedding

I’ve attended some really lovely weddings recently, and I’m always impressed when Horse Girls can work in tasteful, fun, equestrian themes on their big day. Some equestrians go all out and have beautiful, rustic barn-themed weddings, or their actual horses make an appearance in their ceremony. But not all of us can realistically make that work on the big day.

Here are some easy ways to incorporate a passion for horses into your wedding process.

Repurpose Those Old Breyers

Breyer Horse models make charming table toppers at a bridal shower or even on the big day. It’s a subtle but nostalgic way to include horses in your wedding day theme.

Derby-Themed Bridal Shower

I’ve attended many a Kentucky Derby-themed bridal showers and they’re always a delight. From the “And she’s off!” cute moniker to the really adorable details you can incorporate. One of my faves was two dozen roses placed in an old pair of field boots at the front door of the house and bottles of “14 Hands” wine in burlap bags as guest gifts. It’s a fun springtime day complete with cute dresses and big gats.

See Also

Horsey-Related Bachelorette Parties

Skip the basic trip to Nashville or New Orleans and do something unique. Winery tours by horseback? Sounds like a Horse Girl dream come true.

Wear Something Horsey On The Big Day

Horses are a lifestyle. They play an important, everyday role in your life. There’s no better way to honor your passion than to add a little flair into your wedding day style. Maybe riding boots isn’t the most comfortable way to go, but a hunt or stocktie pin, or a horse hair bracelet may be a subtle way to pay homage on your big day.

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