There are a lot of reasons to love five-star eventer Lainey Ashker. No. 1, she’s a fabulous horsewoman and rider. No. 2, she’s stylish as all get out. And No. 3, she is so free with her expertise and knowledge.
Any devout Lainey follower knows she routinely shares her training practices freely through her social channels. Lainey often posts video explainers of her “grid of the day” (#GOTD) exercises on Instagram, so followers can try them out for themselves at home.
Heels Down Mag‘s editorial team cobbled together our five favorite #GOTD exercises from Lainey. Check them out here.
Bounces, Bounces and More Bounces.
In this video, Lainey shares a bounce-based grid exercise meant to help the rider focus on using the outside rein and to make square turns.
Poles On A Turn For Uphill Gaits
In this grid exercise, Lainey stresses that the rider should maintain the same lead through the turn poles and over and out of the fences.
To Sit On The Hind Quarters
Lainey says that this exercise is one of her favorites to use on horses of all levels to encourage them to use their hind end over fences.
To Encourage Self-Balance
From bounces to keep the horse straight, to a two-stride oxer, back to more bounces, this is certainly a butt-busting ride for horse and rider.
To Ride Forward Into The Contact
This quick-ride grid will help the rider keep their upper body up and straight, while encouraging the horse to be quick with their footwork.