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Horses Are The Greatest Equalizer

Shaq Blake is an adult amateur rider and the voice behind @theblackequestrian. This piece originally published in the Heels Down Spark in Feb. 2021. For more conversation starters delivered straight to your inbox, subscribe now.

February is Black History month, where we take the time to highlight and celebrate Black Excellence. There is a long rich history of Black people in the equestrian world – from the freed slaves turned ranchers for hire, to Eddie Sweat – groom to the famous Secretariat, to Cheryl White – the first professional black female jockey, to modern day black equestrians such as polo player Kareem Rosser, Jamaican event rider Lydia Heywood and countless others making strides in their equestrian pursuits.

Horses are the greatest equalizer. They do not judge us based on race, class, ability or knowledge. All horses care about is if we are treating them well (and if we have treats, they care very much about treats!).

Diversity has long been viewed as something to be weary of rather than something to celebrate. Celebrating the cultural differences and embracing others, opens us up to learn something through experiences and perspectives other than our own.

For aspiring Black equestrians, acknowledging and celebrating our history in the horse world is imperative. Knowing how far back our history extends in this sport encourages equestrians of color to know that they belong. For every little Black girl or Black boy using their parents’ (or siblings) backs to practice being a jockey, seeing these examples of Black Excellence excelling in a sport that they love is invaluable.

See Also

Representation matters, and this month, we highlight and show our appreciation for the Black riders of before, today and the future.

-Shaq Blake

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