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AMA: What Can I Do To Stay Fit Out Of The Saddle?

I sprained my ankle so I’m out of the saddle for a few weeks. What can I do to stay fit? And keep my horse fit in the meantime? 

First of all, ouch! Here’s to a speedy recovery for you. It’s never fun when an injury sidelines you from riding, but think of this time as a mental health break for both you and your horse. There’s no reason why your horse can’t enjoy a little more pasture time while you recover. That said, if keeping him fit is important, here are some options to consider.

Depending on your ability (don’t push it, or it may keep you out of the saddle for longer), there’s plenty of fitness work you can do with your horse on a lunge line. From using poles and cavaletti to an equi-band type system to encourage him to lift his back and use his hind end, there’s plenty there to keep him conditioned. Don’t underestimate the power of just walking, too. If your horse is safe and sane enough, you could ride at just the walk, (not an ambling pace, but a working march of a walk) every day to keep him sound and fit. (You can do this without stirrups, too) But if your horse is a bit of a handful, ask a friend or trainer to step in. 

If you’re stuck at home for a while, here are some fitness programs to try to keep you moving (while mindful of your injury, of course):  

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