
Tips On How To Back Up That Trailer Like A Pro

Ever pulled into the horse show grounds and became immediately horrified at the tightly packed trailer parking field? It takes skill and a certain comfort level behind the wheel of the truck to expertly back up a rig into a tight space.

Here are some exercises and tips to help you learn how to haul – and back that trailer up – like a pro.

Practice At Home

Pro eventers Dom and Jimmie Schramm say the first step to being confident driving the trailer is by getting know it. Give yourself plenty of time to practice where there’s no pressure. I.E., don’t wait until you’re at a horse show to learn the ins and outs of reversing.

Consider Your Steering Wheel Hand Placement

“Your hand placement on the trailer can either work with you or against you,” says this representative with BW Trailer Hitches. Watch the full video for more of their tips, which include things to look for in your side-view mirrors.

Slow And Steady Is Best

Take some advice from fishermen, who trailer often too. Mudgett’s Guide Service says don’t try to add speed to your turns. While reversing, take it slow and easy.

See Also

Don’t Trust Your Rearview Camera

Rearview cameras are a nice perk in day-to-day driving, and even when it comes to hitching up. But trailer drivers shouldn’t rely on them. Instead, know how to respond to what you see in your side-view mirrors.

Make A Checklist

In this video from Horse & Hound and Land Rover, the narrator explains a checklist every driver should go through before they back up the trailer. Those include giving yourself plenty of room.

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